Install an Android Asynchronous Http Client
Install an Android Asynchronous Http Client Android Asynchronous Http Client its a Library that allow us get data from a web server, this library it should be install into Android App. For this example I'm using a new project App. For install follow this steps. 1.- Select the Android option into your project 2.- Open this file into your Grandle. 3.- Add this line into de dependencies secction. This will install this library, is necesary Sync. 5.- You will see some like this in your log. 6.- Import class. Now you can import the class into your MainActivity or another. import* ; 7.- Add Permisson to Add permission for Access to internet. Open the file "AndroidManifiest.xml" and add this line <uses-permission android :name= "android.permission.INTERNET" /> Like this image 8.- Test a simple request In the main activity just page this. You will need import ...